Faster, easier insurance billing with MYUHIN.

Although I had many roles and products to work on at UHIN, one of my main focuses was MYUHIN. It essentially is a healthcare portal for all of the products UHIN sells other than their clearinghouse services. The products in the portal are Healthcare Insurance Billing, Health Information Exchange (HIE), Direct Secure Messaging, Patient Record Lookup, Analytics and Reporting, and more.

The project is to redesign the user interface of the MYUHIN (Utah Health Information Network) platform to improve the user experience and make it more intuitive for healthcare providers, healthcare billers, and patients.

  1. MYUHIN, the Utah Health Information Network, is a health information exchange that provides a secure and efficient way for healthcare providers to share patient information, including insurance claims and billing information.
  2. When a patient receives medical treatment, the healthcare provider will generate a bill for the services rendered, which will include information such as the services provided, the date of service, and the cost. The healthcare provider will then submit this bill to the patient's insurance company for payment.
  3. MYUHIN helps to streamline this process by allowing healthcare providers to securely exchange insurance and billing information with insurance companies, reducing the need for manual data entry and paperwork. This can help to speed up the reimbursement process and ensure that healthcare providers receive payment for their services in a timely manner.
  4. In addition, MYUHIN also helps to improve the accuracy of insurance claims and billing information by reducing errors and duplications, which can help to reduce costs and improve patient outcomes.


As the Designer, I assumed the following roles:

  1. User Experience (UX) Designer
  2. Interaction (IxD) Designer
  3. User Interface (UI) Designer
  4. Visual Designer
  5. Brand Designer


Product Design:

  1. Low fidelity mockups
  2. High fidelity mockups
  3. Interactive prototypes
  4. Design system and UI Kit
  5. Usability tests and findings
  6. User Interviews


  1. Website Redesign
  2. Branding and Logo Refresh
  3. Content Creation (Graphics & Video)



    1. Adobe XD
    2. Adobe Illustrator
    3. Adobe Photoshop
    4. Adobe AfterEfects
    5. Final Cut Pro
    6. Figma


    1. Notion


    As the user experience designer for UHIN working on MYUHIN, I was tasked with designing a new platform that would make it easier for insurance billers to submit and process insurance claims and billing information. The goal was to create a more efficient and user-friendly system that would reduce errors and improve the overall user experience for insurance billers.


    1. UHIN identified a need for a user-friendly and secure online platform that would enable patients to easily access and manage their health information. The organization also recognized the importance of providing users with the ability to communicate with their healthcare providers and receive timely and personalized care.

    Proposed Solutions

    1. MYUHIN was developed to meet these needs by offering a user-friendly online portal that enables patients to access their health records, manage appointments, communicate with their healthcare providers, and receive personalized health information. The portal was designed with a focus on user experience and security, with features such as two-factor authentication, secure messaging, and customizable privacy settings.

    RESEARCH and discovery

    To start the design process, I conducted extensive research and user testing with insurance billers to better understand their pain points and challenges when it comes to submitting and processing insurance claims. I conducted surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews with insurance billers to gather insights and feedback.

    1. User interviews: I conducted interviews with healthcare billers, providers and users to understand their experience with the current MYUHIN platform, their pain points, and what they would like to see improved.
    2. Heuristic evaluation: I evaluated the current MYUHIN platform against a set of usability heuristics to identify areas for improvement.
    3. Competitive analysis: I reviewed similar platforms on the market to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
    4. User surveys: I created a survey to collect feedback on potential design changes and user preferences.

    From my research, I found that insurance billers struggled with the manual data entry process, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. Additionally, they often had difficulty communicating with healthcare providers and insurance companies, which resulted in delays and frustrations.


    Based on my research, I designed a new platform that streamlined the insurance claims and billing process, making it faster and more accurate. I focused on simplifying the data entry process by introducing features like autofill and autocomplete, reducing the need for manual data entry.

    1. Simplify the interface: The new design should simplify the interface and make it easier for healthcare providers to navigate and find the information they need.
    2. Improve visual hierarchy: The new design should use visual cues to create a clear hierarchy of information and make it easier for users to scan and find relevant information.
    3. Increase efficiency: The new design should reduce the number of clicks and steps required to complete common tasks and improve the overall efficiency of the platform.

    I also designed a communication system that allowed insurance billers to easily communicate with healthcare providers and insurance companies, reducing delays and improving the overall user experience. I included features like real-time messaging and notifications, as well as a centralized dashboard that allowed users to track the status of their insurance claims and billing information in real-time.

    I then created wireframes to explore different layout and navigation options. The wireframes were refined and tested with healthcare providers to ensure they met the design goals and addressed the pain points identified in the research phase.

    Next, I added visual design elements to the wireframes to create high-fidelity mockups. I used a clean and modern design aesthetic with a blue and green color palette to align with the MYUHIN brand. I also used typography and color to create a clear hierarchy of information and improve readability.


    The high-fidelity mockups were tested with healthcare providers to gather feedback on the design and identify any usability issues. I incorporated the feedback into the final design and created a prototype for further testing.

    The prototype was tested with healthcare providers to ensure it met the design goals and addressed the pain points identified in the research phase. The final design included a simplified interface, improved visual hierarchy, and increased efficiency, making it easier and more intuitive for healthcare providers to use.


    The new platform was well-received by insurance billers, who reported that it had made their jobs easier and more efficient. They appreciated the simplified data entry process and the improved communication features, which helped them to process insurance claims more quickly and accurately.

    In addition, healthcare providers and insurance companies also reported positive feedback on the new platform, noting that it had reduced errors and improved the overall quality of insurance claims and billing information.

    Overall, the new platform has helped to improve the user experience for insurance billers, healthcare providers, and insurance companies alike, making the insurance claims and billing process faster, more accurate, and more user-friendly.